
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2014

Dr. Nasir Uddin Syed

Winter is about to arrive. Every person is fond of this season except those who are affected by different ailments during winter. May Almighty save us from the sicknesses that develop due to extremity of this weather. If you will enquire from an aged person about the cough or bronchitis from which he is suffering, you will come to know that he got them because of cold. Nowadays majority of youth does not take care during this weather and roam around in cold winds without protective clothing. Certainly there is great immunity amongst young people and thus they don’t feel it, but its effects appear in old age.

Sometime back, I treated a person after a year of his marriage who went out on motorcycle one afternoon after taking bath. The effect of wind to which he was exposed at that time, gradually increased. He developed asthma after 15 years and suffered for 10 years. Ultimately he was fully cured after continuous treatment for 5 months. Precaution is necessary in cold weather otherwise situation can aggravate. Especially this weather can be harmful for young children and old people. Perhaps old people can still take care of themselves but children needs to be looked after. Old people are particularly prone to be affected with breathing and cough problems and if they are also smokers, the condition may get worse. Cough does not let a person to remain at ease. Cough continues and the phlegm accumulated in the chest could get rereleased with trouble and due to which respiration becomes difficult. At this age, it becomes an extremely hard to quit smoking and one remembers the time when he got influenced with this addiction. Now when youngsters are apprised of this aspect, it is very difficult to make them understand it. It starts with just a cigarette or two only for the sake of entertainment, but keeps increasing with the passage of time. Although there is a warning published on every packet of cigarette by Ministry of Health, but people pay no attention to it. For old aged people, few home remedies are submitted. Following these, they will feel great relief in their ailments: 

  • After dinner, drink black tea without sugar. Just add a spoon of honey in it.
  • During after noon (between Asr and Maghrib) make a routine to drink a cup of warm water with 2 spoonful of honey added to it. Insha Allah winter season will remain comfortable by using it.
  • Make a habit to stay in sunlight every morning between 9 and 10 AM. The warm rays of sun will have such benefits which even the warmth of a quilt or blanket cannot provide.
  • God forbid if breathing becomes difficult due to intense cough, take warm water in a utensil and dip both hands in it. Insha Allah it will be effective.
  • Fruits with cold effects like grapes, pomegranate, banana, guava and kino can be harmful for them. Do not take these fruits at all. Similarly eating rice and curd can also prove  injurious. 
  • A few decades ago, older people used to consume Gurr (lump of brown sugar) due to which they did not face such problems. Despite its quality to clear chest, it is not commonly observed nowadays, although it might still be in use in small towns or villages. 

Breakfast:     According to your nature and environment use lukewarm milk. Remember! cow’s milk produces vigor, is useful against constipation and very effective for body. If habitual to drink tea, then eat two boiled eggs with it. If suffering from chronic constipation and dryness then eat 5 dried figs after both meals. After using it for 2 to 3 months constipation of 10 to 20 years is cured and stool passes out with ease. Figs acts both as a diet and a medicine. It saves from mucus ailments. Take milk with a paratha (a local type of fried bread) made with plain flour, gram flour, milk (instead of water), little salt & black pepper and pure butter oil. If two eggs are also added, this paratha will serve as a good nutritious diet. On the contrary, eating white bread, biscuits and sweets is useless. Eat the paratha and then drink milk. People who develop mucus and phlegm and joints pain due to milk, they should keep powdered cinnamon and add about 3 grams of this powder in 1 litre of milk while boiling it. This milk is more beneficial than tea, digests quickly, produces warmth in body and eliminated mucus and phlegm. 

Lunch:           During this month, lunch should be taken by 1 PM. Turnips, beetroot, carrots, potato and cauliflower, either cooked separately or with meat, should be eaten with chapatti (local form of bread). If green vegetables are cooked separately, they may be prepared with a little oil, some spices and little sprinkle of water, so as they become completely tender and excessive water is completely evaporated. Vegetables cooked in this manner are very delicious. If cooked with meat, the amount of curry should be less. After lunch, eat some suitable fruit like pomegranate, persimmon or apple etc. 

Dinner:           Take dinner between 8-9 PM. Consume seasonal vegetables like Turnips, beetroot, potato, cauliflower and carrots etc. Get them prepared with meat and eat with chapatti or take rice with lentils or curry.  Biryani and Pulao (Both are eastern delicacies made with rice and meat) are also appropriate. They may be accompanied with Shami Kabab or fish. Chicken is also a very good diet for this month. Take fish and chicken at least once a week. Consuming them continuously can be harmful. Take precaution. Mutton is a great blessing of Almighty Allah. 

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